The problem with working overtime, y'see, is that once you're not working overtime anymore you spend a lot of time catching up on the stuff you didn't have time to do before. And, well, writing journal entries wasn't at the top of that list.
Things are still quite busy at work and there are probably more long hours ahead, but I had a breather this past week.

Debbi and I had a good Memorial Day, starting with dinner and (for me) Bridge on Friday, to which John brought a whole bunch of homemade ice cream. Mmmm.
Saturday we drove up to the city. It was generally warm and sunny all weekend down near the valley, but the city was overcast and foggy and even a little drizzly. Made me sorry I was wearing shorts, although it wasn't really that bad. We did some shopping around Union Square, then drove elsewhere to hit some used bookstores, and then Borderlands Books, where I hauled in an unusually large stack of books, notable a hardcover import with a pair of Alastair Reynolds novellas.
Not that I've been making a lot of progress on my reading stack lately... not even Saturday night, which we spent at Cafe Borrone, and where I mainly read the newspaper and caught up on last week's comic books.
Sunday John came up to my place and we went to the Mountain View Farmer's Market, which is held every Sunday and which we've been patronizing a bunch lately. I've been buying cornish pasties from a vendor there for my dinners during the week, and Debbi and I have picked up fruits and vegetables and other odds-and-ends.
Then we drove to City Pub for lunch (mmmm... burger) and then to play a round of miniature golf. I sucked. Well, not that badly, as I only finished three strokes back. But my tendency to undershoot returned for some reason. John and Debbi finished tied, in part because Debbi shot the only hole-in-one of the day. Good for her! And John's play was acceptable too. :-)
John also brought us some chocolate ice cream, which we ate that evening after he'd left. It was another nice, sunny day, and we had a good time out on the town(s).
Today we devoted to errands. Nothing too exciting here, except that we went by the nursery and I bought and planted some daisies and marigolds in my planter, filling it out with purples, oranges and yellows. It looks bright and colorful now. I also picked up some multicolored impatiens to add some flair to a shady part of my patio which has little but green groundcover right now.
I have other patio flower ideas, but I want to wait until I figure out a watering system for it (something easier than "me and a hose several times a week").
It was a good weekend, even if I have been fighting off a cold since Thursday or so. Blah. Other than ongoing congestion it hasn't been too bad, but it is a pain in the butt.

More catch-up over the next few days, sports fans.