Guess What I Got?
Gee, what could it be? 

Saturday I dragged Debbi to Santa Cruz to take some photos with my new toy. We did some shopping, and then headed to the coast:

(Click on a picture to see it full-sized.)
In the second picture, there were sea lions on the island to the right. They were too far away to see clearly, though.
We took some pictures of each other:

I like the pic of me in front of the lighthouse.
And a kind fellow who was watching surfers (there were some great surfing waves Saturday, and we watched in appreciation of several waveriders) took a few pics of the two of us:

Yes, my hair is very short right now. I also seem to be developing a widow's peak. And I seem to resemble my Dad more closely by the year. Eerie!
Oh, and I should mention that since my birthday is Thursday, all I bought were some used books and cookies.

The camera is a Nikon Coolpix 2500. It's not a high-end camera, but it's small, takes good pictures, and - most importantly - works, unlike my old camera, which gave up the ghost around the time I bought my house.
I think I'll have fun with this one.
Oh, and this digicam cost me just as much as my old one - which Trish will understand!