Got together tonight with Carmen M. Graham, whose LiveJournal is under the name Lilibat. We were in APA Centauri together years ago, but we'd never met. I've been following her journal since discovering it shortly before she came to San Francisco, last summer.
I dragged her to my favorite Indian restaurant, since she said she likes spicy ethnic food. It was good, as always, though Carmen was ready to explode when we were done!
I guess Carmen was mostly like what I'd expected. A goth, of course. Sleep-deprived and a little manic, it seemed, but then she'd just finished working her first day at her new job, so that's to be expected. She only looked kind of like her photos in her journal; I think I expected her to have blue hair or white skin or something (joke). She told me she hated me because of my cats and because of my garage, which, y'know, is okay.
Neither of us, I think, had very clear memories of each other from our APAhacking days, though, which might have been a good thing!
Strange to cross someone's path years after the fact like this. I can't imagine what we'd have thought of each other when we were 20.

Didn't really do jack for the rest of the evening. Brought Christmas lights up to put in my upstairs windows, but never did anything more than plug them in and leave them on the floor. An undermotivated evening. The cats got some catnip and some petting, though.
I guess this is balanced by having gone to the gym this morning for the first time in a few weeks. I'm such a lame-ass; I was nicely sore by the end of the workout. I'll go back again on Wednesday.