My side where I collided with another player at Ultimate two weeks ago has not gotten a whole lot better. It was hampering me all weekend, in fact. I don't feel pain when breathing, or when I press on the sore area, but it hurts when I sneeze, and when I move in such a way that I need to use those muscles.
John suggested today that I might have bruised a rib, and also suggested taking acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol) to help the pain and possibly reduce the inflammation. Yes, I take advice from my friends but don't consult a doctor. (No doubt Dad with write me when he reads this!) Well, the advice was right on as far as killing the pain goes; I felt better within half an hour from a normal dose of the stuff.
So I'm going to take a break from my regular exercise this week - I suspect that bicycling three days last week stretched out my side or something and aggravated the injury - and hope it gets better. I might even skip Ultimate tomorrow.
What a drag.
Debbi and I took it easy this weekend as a consequence, spending most of the weekend lounging around at home or doing some light shopping. I managed to tackle a bunch of stuff in my study, including organizing some records and updating my comics for sale page.
Friday evening was the exception, as we went with Lisa and Michel to the Grand National Rodeo, which was in the Cow Palace near San Francisco. The whole country thing is much more their thing than mine, but it was fun for a change. The quality of the competition (bull riding, calf roping, etc.) was clearly much higher than at the Livermore Rodeo we attended in June, as you'd expect. It rounded up (har-har) with a concert by Diamond Rio, one of Debbi's favorite country bands, who are not bad. To my admittedly kind of weird ear they sound like a pop group, but they have some catchy numbers. They resemble The Freddy Jones Band in some respects (or maybe it's the other way around).
The show did make me think I should be more alert to when bands I'm a fan of are playing in the area, as this is only the second show I've seen since moving to California. Seems like I went to three or four a year when I lived in Madison.

Also, for those who might be interested, I finished my reviews of the first season of Enterprise and posted them to the USENET newsgroups (rec.arts.startrek.current). News flash: The series didn't terribly impress me and I've stopped watching it. You can read my review here, if you're so inclined. I'm reasonably happy with it, inasmuch as I didn't have a whole heck of a lot to work with.
I've gotten some pretty good feedback on the newsgroups so far... that's a nice thing, too. Of course, my old "sparring partner" Tim Lynch hasn't replied... yet...

I'm really glad to have had some time this weekend to get through some of this stuff. I've felt for a few weeks like my life is coming unravelled. Not in a big, disastrous way, but in little ways. Like I might start forgetting to pay bills or something. I already feel like I don't have enough time to both see all my friends and take care of my own personal projects and endeavors. It was nice to spend some time catching up. I don't yet feel completely on top of things, but I'm getting there.
That's the big problem with being obsessive-compulsive: You start feeling panicky if you feel like anything's getting away from you and if you're not willing to let it go.
It will be nice to have our annual break over Christmas and have time on my own to do whatever the heck I want. I'll meet Debbi for lunch one day and otherwise kick around the house and Do Stuff. I can use that.