New Art for My Walls
Still no Worldcon entry. I'm getting closer, though. I'd best get it finished before my Dad arrives to visit, or I'll never do it.

Pretty busy weekend here. I biked to work on Friday and biked home to find that I didn't have the food I thought I did, so I had to run out to the store before Debbi arrived. Well, Safeway was having a big sale on meat, so I bought something like four pounds of hamburger and a bunch of pork chops as well. All for about half off. Wow.
And then came home and grilled hamburgers. We've been having fun using Debbi's little gas grill in my patio. I haven't grilled stuff in years. It's actually easier than the stove or oven for many things.
Anyway. Saturday was much more interesting: We biked down to Castro Street for the fall art & wine festival in downtown Mountain View. We brought bags, and locked our bikes to a signpost, and met Lisa, Michel, and Lisa's roommate Yvonne at The Posh Bagel where we had breakfast.
The fair was huge - about twice as big as the one in the spring, which was also on Castro. It took us around four hours to see the whole thing, counting a break for munchies. And only when we'd seen it all did I go back to specific booths to buy what I wanted. Mainly what I bought was photography: A set of six photos of scenes around San Francisco which were made into coasters (Debbi has a different set of coasters from the same guy). A triptych of postcard-sized photos of three scenes in San Francisco at night, which I hung downstairs, and a triptych of 8x10 photos of Pacific Bell Park - two with the skyline in the background - which I hung in my study upstairs (where all my baseball stuff is). Both pictures came framed, which means they don't have to languish behind my couch for years, like much of the rest of my art. (I really must do something about that...)
Getting the art home was fun; we stuffed it in a backpack which I rode with, so it was basically sticking up over my head for the ride home. This wasn't too bad, except when it was windy. But we made it without any mishaps, thank goodness!
This morning we drove up to Max's restaurant in the Stanford Shopping Center where we met a big group of people for a brunch for Subrata's birthday, which was Friday. John, Becky, Grant, David, Rollie and Kelly and several others were there. Subrata seemed happy just to have his friends around him - which, come to think of it, is why I always throw myself a party every year for my birthday.
Other than that, I spent most of the weekend reading Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game for the first time, for tonight's book discussion (I'll review it at some point and link to it in the sidebar, as usual), and cleaning in preparation for Dad's arrival.
Alas, I've been sneezing and coughing today, so I might be coming down with a cold. If so, I'll definitely take a day or two off from work, so I'm not sick for Dad's visit. That would truly suck, and I have enough sick time saved up to sink a ship.
Well, I have a few days yet.