Did I mention that Debbi and I got joint memberships at CostCo a week or two back? Well, we did, which is convenient since I live less than a mile from a CostCo. (If you don't know, CostCo is a membership wholesaling warehouse, where you can buy... well, you'll see.)
So today we took the plunge and actually went to CostCo, and walked down pretty much every single aisle, because I wanted to see what was there, and get some ideas for things I could pick up in the future.
But I bought a goodly set of stuff anyway:
- A 96-oz jug of hand soap.
- A big box of large lawn and leaf bags.
- 24-packs of both AA and AAA batteries.
- A boneless leg of lamb for an Indian dish I want to make.
- Some fluorescent light bulbs.
- A really, really big jar of Jelly Belly jelly beans.
We got there around 12:30 and it wasn't too crowded, but when we left about an hour later it had really gotten crowded and hard to maneuver. So I guess we escaped just in time, and should remember to go in the morning or around lunchtime in the future. Good to know!
CostCo has plenty of other stuff I'd like to pick up at some point, so I think I'll be able to save - and spend - quite a bit of money there in the future.

Tonight we went to a dinner party that Lucy threw. It's the first time in a while that I've been up to her house, and certainly the shorter drive (25 minutes as opposed to 40) was very nice. Michael Walsh and his roommate Paula Hardin were there, as was Trish Number One. It was nice and low-key, with Lucy putting together some yummy beef stew (it was soup-er!), rolls, greenery, and such. Michael brought his famous-in-the-Bay-Area-journalling-world egg nog, which several of us (hic!) adulterated with rum.
Lucy also gave all of us cards (nuns with cows!) and gifts. She gave me a nice tall candle from Illuminations as a Christmas/housewarming gift.
We came up with some good titles for on-line journals ("I Could Be Using My Time More Wisely"), and I told everyone a really embarrassing but extremely funny story about my childhood which if you're good I might relate here sometime.
Later in the evening, Lucy and Michael and I (with a little help from Trish) started neeping extensively about fannish stuff, which I think left Debbi and Paula feeling rather left out. Unfortunately (?) this is one of the occupational hazards of putting fans in one room together. Never mind geek fans (if that isn't redundant). At least they didn't bludgeon us into unconsciousness in revenge.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun. Now I need to drag Lucy down to see my house.