Outa Time
I woke up this morning and wondered what time it was. Leaning over my pillows, I saw that my bedside clock was blinking 12:00.
The power went out last night!
Strangely, I woke up about 3 minutes after 7:00, which was when I'd set my alarm for. Talk about biological routine! From my one VCR which starts keeping time from when it comes back on, the power went out sometime between 1:00 and 2:00 am. I didn't notice at the time - no reason I should have. I don't know what happened. It was just kind of weird. I know a couple of people who live within 5 miles of me, and neither of them had power outages last night. Must have been a localized thing. Or maybe it was just me.
Despite this, I got up on time and went in to the gym, where I had a really good workout. Felt like I was really cranking through my exercises, and got out of there earlier than usual. Cool!
Had a productive day at work tracking down a really gnarly bug, and learning several things about our source code which I didn't know (at this point, of course, there's more about it that I don't know than that I do). Moved to activate the E*Trade account that comes with my Apple stock options (only took me two years to get around to it), and just generally felt pretty good by the end of the day.
Things wrapped up with comic books and a visit from Debbi in the evening. She's been having a crazy time at work lately and was glad for a mellow evening, I think.

I've been thinking of starting a Weblog devoted to baseball.
Yeah, yeah, I know: I don't need another hobby, and you don't need to listen to me drone on about baseball more than I already do.
But y'see, I want to start doing some more serious analysis of baseball. I have ideas for several studies I'd like to do. And there's plenty of other things I could throw into such a Weblog, such as discussions of today's A's-Royals-Rockies trade (the A's got worked a little bit, the Royals got fleeced as usual, and the Rockies made out pretty well, turning a marginal player into two good prospects), or contrasting the management philosophies of the Athletics and Giants. Or just clearing up how rules details like player options work (something I'm fuzzy on myself).
Sure, the Baseball Prospectus covers a lot of this ground, and has space for reader requests. But I enjoy doing baseball analysis myself and think I could bring a useful voice to the on-line baseball world. I don't want to "make a name for myself" as a baseball analyst, but I do want to contribute. Which, after all, is essentially what motivated the BP guys a decade or so ago.
I don't know when - or even whether - I'll do it. Certainly not in the next couple of months, just because I'm still working on some journal projects, and I need to set up a code framework (probably in Perl) to be able to do any of the analysis I'd like to do. But it's something on the fringes of my mind lately.
I need more hours in the day.