Up, Down, Sideways, You Know...
A few more things in the dating-Monique postmortem:
First, a funny exchange we had Saturday evening:
Me: So I take it I shouldn't call you a "poetess"?
Monique: No, you shouldn't.
Me: How about "poetrix"?
Monique: Noooo...
Me: Well then how about "poekeet"?
Monique: Okay, "poekeet" is kind of cute...
Second, Monique posted an entry about condoms. It's very funny. Then Eleanor posted an entry on similar topics, also very funny.
No, none of that has anything to do with actually dating Monique, but it's still very funny.
Finally, even though I'm okay with breaking up with Monique, just the fact of the break-up did leave me feeling kind of down yesterday, despite it being a beautiful day out. I spent most of it distracting myself, shopping for stuff and watching part of the Dune TV mini-series from the Sci-Fi Channel from last fall (which I had on tape and hadn't yet watched). It's just a bummer, regardless of whether it would have worked out if circumstances had been better.

Worked today. Finally slayed the dragon I spent most of last week wrestling with. Gah. The Windows command scripting language (almost entirely an artifact of MS-DOS) really chews. Whoever "developed" (and I use the word very loosely) it should be taken out and flogged. Daily.
(Why am I working on Windows when I work at Apple? Because I work on a cross-platform product, that's why!)
On the down side, Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference was boneheadedly scheduled for the week before Memorial Day. What would possess someone to schedule a major conference for the week before a major holiday? Sheesh! This is problematic for me because I've been planning for the last year to go to WisCon over that weekend and taking a vacation the week following, and that means I need to fly out on Thursday, or Friday at the very latest, while the conference is still going on. And of course taking vacation during WWDC is frowned upon.
Well, I may be able to swing it. It's unlikely that anything I'd be involved with would critically require my presence, and even if it does there's a better than 50% chance (Murphy's Law notwithstanding) that it will not conflict with my plans.
Still, it bugs the hell out of me.

Other news? I went by Lechter's Housewares in a nearby mall yesterday in my quest to buy a decent medium covered pot. (The one I have now is neither decent nor covered.) It turns out they're having a going-out-of-business sale, so I picked up several useful things - but no pot! They didn't have any! Good grief.
On the other hand, I stopped by a comic shop in San Jose called Space Cat. I'd gone there two or three times before, notably just after I moved out here (two years ago!), and it was chaos: Unsorted back issues, randomly organized stuff. But the current owners have overhauled the whole store, and everything is neatly organized, and the back issues are all sorted. Quite nice! I spent nearly an hour there and walked off with quite a few things I wanted. I'll have to add it to my regular rotation of shops I visit.
And spring has resoundingly arrived. Temperatures in the high 60s, bright and sunny, hardly a cloud in the sky... I do hope we get some more rain this month, but the rainy season is clearly nearly past. Pity.