New Equipment
In case you've been wondering where I've been, I've spent the last couple of nights upgrading my home computer. Trish is phasing out her Power Mac G3 (having bought a G4 not long ago), so she gave me more memory and a larger (and, as it turns out, faster) hard drive. I spent last night backing up my hard drive, refamiliarizing myself with swapping this hardware around, and discovering that my machine's power cord is kind of finicky. And then I spent tonight restoring all my software and making sure everything works correctly. The good news is, it does!
So now I have 224 Mb of RAM and a 20 Gb hard drive. Spiffy!

Of course, it's also been, like, in the high 90s the last couple of days, and in fact several part of the Bay Area set record highs today. So working on heat-generating computer equipment wasn't perhaps my smartest choice. But it wasn't so bad; things cooled off pretty quickly once the sun went down, which was before 8 pm.
I sure was glad this heat wave hit during the work week, though, so I could spend it in comfort in Apple's air conditioning. The cats seemed to weather it fairly well, too.

I didn't really do a whole lot over the weekend. Got a bunch of reading done. Sunday I went in for a "bonus workout" since I didn't have anything planned until I headed up to Lucy's a bit after 3:00. Lucy cooked dinner and she and her husband John and I sat around and chatted. I got to seduce their cats, pet their dog, and met the neighbor cat, Sebastian, who was very friendly.
Lucy asked me over so I could set up my counter script so she could use it on her journal. This turned out to be slightly more challenging than expected, since she has her own domain name and I haven't set up the counter to recognize domain names yet. But I did get it all set up and told her how to add it to her pages. She's not very fluent in UNIX, so I imagine John will have to help her with some of the details.
It was a nice evening of geeking out, though.

I finally closed the deal, as it were, on my dental billing issues. They're going to send me a letter confirming that the bill they send me is void, and a check for the money they owe me from my overpayment in the spring. On top of that terrific financial swing, I also received my Discover card cashback "bonus" check today. Woo-hoo!
So of course I paid my car registration bill, and will pay my Visa bill this week as well. But even so, I'm coming out ahead overall. Yay!

By the way, if you live in the south bay and enjoy running around, the South Bay Ultimate League's winter sign-ups start on Monday September 25. I played in the league last year, and it's a lot of fun. There are some genuinely good players, but the overall attitude is just to have fun, and there are plenty of relative novices. So anyone and everyone is welcome.