Cool Wave
Yesterday it was still warm, but not as bad as over the weekend. On the other hand, it was also a bit humid, which is unusual for northern California, and which made it about as bad.
But come evening, the heat and humidity mostly cleared out, and today it was even on the cool side, not entirely suitable for wearing shorts. Huh. California weather; go figure.
Have I mentioned that I trust weather forecasts out here much less than I trusted forecasts in Madison? Madison forecasts - with a few kinds of exceptions - were usually pretty accurate 4-to-5 days ahead of time. I don't trust any forecast here more than 2 days out, and even 2 days I'm a little leery of. The weather here just seems so much more variable.
But generally pleasant.

Yesterday the network was down at work. Apparently there was a power hiccup in the morning before I got in, and some of our servers were not working. So I went to work out, and they were still down when I got back. They eventually came back up in the afternoon, but apparently the power hiccup fried a router or something so parts of our floor were still hosed. For whatever reason it took them a while to sort it out; apparently it was a really nasty problem, not as straightforward as I'm describing it. But it wiped out most of the day for working.
I packed up my office at work today, for the Big Office Reshuffling our department is undergoing. I packed four boxes of stuff, plus three computers, three monitors, three posters, and a few random items, totally sixteen in all. A lot of crap! I like to have a nice, homey office.
I also got some good news about things happening in our department, which hopefully I'll be able to relate in more detail in a few weeks. But it made me happy. It gave me a hint that people say good things about my work when I'm not around. Always good to know... even better to have happening whether or not I know...

Most everything else the last couple of days has been details. I liked the clothes I bought Sunday, so yesterday I took advantage of the sale at Mervyn's and bought some more. A little expensive even with the discount, but it's comforting to know I've basically done all the shopping for summer clothes that I need to do.
Trish went to the Giants game tonight, where The Giants pounded the Expos 18-0, highlighted by Barry Bonds hitting a tremendous home run into the Bay (on TV I got to see a boater out there head over and scoop up the ball from the water), and pitcher Shawn Estes hit a grand slam. Wow, what a game it was! Trish is a lucky duck. I guess CJ is going to tomorrow's game.
Spent the evening cleaning. I think my vacuum is on the edge of dying, and I will need to buy a new one soon. It's unbelievably loud, and gives off a faint smell, neither of which are good signs. Well, vacuums are not very expensive, and they're fun to spell. Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum.
I like having a clean house. It makes me feel like I live somewhere nice and got something done - both of which are true, I guess!