Opening Day, 2000
I updated Saturday's entry with links to people who wrote about Jen Wade's birthday party, if that interests you.
It sounds like the party went on for some time afterwards and was fairly entertaining, but I was too wiped out by midnight to stay any longer. I'm such a wuss!

I went jogging this morning for the first time in a few weeks. It was nice to take time off from working out, since it let me get into work earlier. I am going to try to get back into the swing of working out, though.
Spent the day getting into my current project, which started off on a low note, but has gotten much better the last couple of days, and I think I'll enjoy it now that I'm into the swing of things. I stayed later than usual coding as a result of it.
Tom was back at work today, too, after taking a week off. He was just kicking around at home. I think he played around with his new iMac at night and slept during the day.

Today was opening day of baseball season! Yay! I haven't been talking about baseball as much; I've been so preoccupied with other things that it just hasn't been on my mind as much as it sometimes is. Probably this won't change until I move.
However, I did immediately sit down when I got to work, went to Major League Baseball's audio broadcasts, and started listening to the Reds/Brewers game. It got rain-delayed around noon, so after lunch I started listening to something else, I forget exactly what, and then tuned into the Giants game around 4. When I got home tonight I turned on the A's game. Woo-hoo! A whole day of baseball! The Red Sox open tomorrow, and I'll listen to it if I can. However, Subrata and I are going to the A's game in the evening, so I may be out of luck.
Subrata's a Tigers fan, which is the team the A's are playing for the first half of the week, so since I wanted to get to a game this week, I figured he'd be up for going. He's also joined my fantasy baseball league this year which Keith runs. That should be interesting. Keith and a couple of other folks have some tremendous keepers from last year so it will be hard to contend this year.
Anyway, if nothing else I enjoy baseball season because it means there's always something to have on in the background in the evening!

I stopped by the pet store tonight and saw the most adorable two kitty-cats for sale in the store. One was five years old and had a black-and-white-and-tan complexion (despite being male), and had a little brown mottling right around the whiskers. The other was jet back. Both had medium-length hair and were completely friendly and adorable! I hope they both get good homes, they'll really be terrific for an owner who appreciates them.
I've been thinking about getting another cat, once I move and feel more settled (if I ever do). Right now I feel like I don't give my current cats the attention I deserve, so I don't feel like I can get another cat in good conscience. On the other hand, I always feel guilty about taking care of my cats! I'm a worry-wart, remember?