Thursday Already?
Wow, where has the week gone? All of a sudden it's almost another weekend!
Well, I did go back to the dentist on Tuesday to get my temporary crown reattached. And boy did it ever hurt like a sonuvvabitch! The remaining tooth fragment is holding up pretty well except when it takes direct pressure, which includes scraping with those little dental instruments. Eee-yowtch! But they got the crown reattached, I've been being careful with it, and it hasn't fallen off so far. If it holds out until Monday then I'm golden; that's when I get the permanent crown. Whew!
Tuesday was also Ultimate night. It was a good one; I caught a scoring throw, made several decent catches and throws, and played 'cup' in our team's zone defense, which involves most of the running around. We came back from behind to win the first game and nearly won the second game despite being fairly overmatched early on. Only one more game to go, unfortunately.
My cleats - size 11s - are a little tight for me, and I've rubbed a spot on the inside of each foot, just above the ball, raw. I'm going to try band-aids on that spot next week, and if that doesn't work then next time I wear them - whenever that might be - I'll try something else. Gauze wrap? I dunno. Any suggestions? I'd buy larger cleats, but high-top cleats are tough to find, and especially tough in large sizes.

I've been enjoying plugging away at my new project at work, which involves a lot of coding, and understanding of the frameworks of our next release. Gosh, I love coding, building things. I need to get away from it a little tomorrow, but basically I'll be happy to spend time writing test code for the next few weeks.

In case you're curious to try out Planetary, probably my favorite comic book currently being published, they just released the first seven stories collected in a trade paperback, All Over the World and Other Stories. You'll meet Planetary, three people who are investigating the "mystery archaeology" of their Earth's 20th century, and various strange things that they encounter, including Doc Brass and his band of pulp era adventurers, the phantom cop of Hong Kong, and the "Four", a different set of adventurers who have been manipulating the world behind the scenes for decades.
Written by Warren Ellis and drawn by John Cassaday, this is great stuff.

You know, not a whole heck of a lot has happened this week, really. I had hoped to call another apartment or two, but the pickings in the papers have been unusually slim and I didn't see a one that I wanted to call. (Of course, I missed out on a couple of prospects in the last couple of weeks due to my timidity.) I think I will take a suggestion my former boss gave me a while back and go to Stanford's student union and see if they have a bulletin board with apartment postings. Since I would enjoy living up in that neck of the woods, maybe there will be something available.
Oh, and this week Apple stock has inexplicably gone up 20 points. No one I've talked to knows why, but I'm not complaining. We might hit 200 by the end of the year after all!

The rainy season seems definitely to be over. A pity, really; it only lasted a couple of months.