Pizza and Sherlock
I haven't yet gotten any bids on my comics for sale on eBay. Of course, who knows why? My minimum bids are not out-of-line with what similar sets have recently sold for (yes, I check first) - even a little below, of course. But the demand might not be there just now, or people are waiting until the last day or two, or ghod-knows-why. Neither is what you would call a 'choice' set, though. But I wanted to get used to this eBay selling thing before putting up some of the yummier material.
Well, patience. We'll see.

Did I mention that I bought a new wallet last week? I've had trouble with cards and such that I put in my old one getting scuffed and mashed on the corners (my Social Security card, for instance, is in lousy shape these days). After seeing CJ's wallet, I bought one very similar to it: A nice trifold which seems to protect its contents fairly well. It's also nylon, which is the first time I can remember having a non-leather wallet. But it seems to suit me fairly well. I'm almost entirely used to it, and I think it will work out.

My old APA, APA Centauri, is celebrating its twentieth year of existence this month, and I whipped up a zine to contribute to it, which went in the mail today. I joined AC (my first APA experience) back in 1988 and was in it until 1998 - a solid ten years during which I never missed contributing to a bimonthly mailing. I had a lot of fun, and hope to get a copy of this anniversary mailing (#120; the APA skipped a scheduled month early in its history, so this mailing really does mark 20 years since the first mailing came out) to see how things are going.
But, I don't have much motivation to get back on the APA bandwagon at this date. It's behind me.

I've watched three of the videotapes of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series that Ceej lent me (she bought the whole first season). They're actually not quite as good as I remembered, although I may be reaching mystery saturation point. But they are good, and quite faithful to the stories (as I recall them). The series went downhill towards the end (prior to Brett's death), getting more fanciful and less faithful. Pity.
At any rate, it's good fun to come home and spend an hour having dinner, petting the cats, and watching Holmes.

Finally, on a fairly trivial note (aren't they all?), I've figured out how to make the pizzas in the cafeteria at work more enjoyable: I ask for double sauce and half cheese, which comes much closer to approximating the New York-style (or "Boston-style", as I call it, having never been to New York itself) pizza which I prefer. Now, if only I could get a doughier crust, but since all the dough is pre-tossed, there's not much likelihood of that. It's pretty tasty as it is.
My ideal pizza is pretty much doughy crust (especially when it rises nice and fluffy on the edges), good sauce and lots of it, good, greasy pepperoni, and just enough cheese to hold it together.
For variety, sausage and garlic are my other preferred toppings. Pizza with neither pepperoni nor sausage is not worth the effort, in my opinion (I'm a carnivore). I will also get mushrooms - but not too many; California pizza places love to put on lots of 'shrooms, which does not appeal to me. At work I will also get basil, cilantro, and/or pine nuts, depending on how my mood strikes me. I've also tried sun-dried tomatoes, but found them to not really contribute anything (though they didn't hurt it, either). I haven't had much interest in any other toppings.
Yes, New York-style pepperoni pizza, that's the way to go!