A Sexist Moment

I had what you might call a sexist moment today. (Maybe a lustful moment would be more accurate? I'm not sure lust is actually sexist.)
There aren't many people who walk around in my area; pedestrians are relatively rare. I think this is slightly less the case a few blocks south of me, where the Middle School is, but nonetheless, I definitely live in urban sprawl land. Anyway, despite the fact that I have a decent view of the street from both the front and the back of my apartment, there generally isn't a whole lot to see. One of the things I don't like about this location.
This morning, however, I had woken up maybe an hour earlier, and I was looking out my front window, and I saw a very attractive young woman walking down the street. Once I picked my jaw up off the ground, I (get this, folks!) grabbed my binoculars and went to the rear window and took a closer look.
Oh, my, was she attractive. What was doubly unusual is that she was asian, which is not an ethnic group I am usually attracted to. Although, there are exceptions to every rule. (And I'm not sure it's even really a 'rule'; after all, there are many caucasian woman whom I am not at all attracted to. So I shouldn't generalize.)
Binoculars are pretty evil things. I mostly try not to use mine except at baseball games.

(Comic strips from Zits, by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman, specifically from the strip's first collection.)

I spent most of today cleaning my apartment, shopping for my party tomorrow, 'working' on the computer, and trying to keep Jefferson from clinging to me every single moment. He was all over me! Just very happy to have me home, I guess.
In the evening I drove up to go to Cafe Borrone to read, but first I stopped off at Ceej's to give her a couple of Red Soxy things I picked up for her while on vacation: A bumper sticker and a print of Ted Williams from 1940 standing in the dugout looking very young. She was really happy with both of them. We waited for David to come home and she showed me photos of the house they've just bought (envy envy, though not quite as much envy as Lucy has), and we played Team Fortress Classic, a Quake variant which is sufficiently different that I got my ass kicked.
We went out to dinner at Pluto's (probably my favorite restaurant in downtown Palo Alto in terms of the balance between food quality and price; I mean, how can you really go wrong with a chicken sausage sandwich and mashed potatoes?), then came back and hung out for a while. Watched some of Ken Burns' Baseball mini series which CJ has been borrowing from me, while CJ packed boxes full of books and media. CJ also had bought tapes of the whole first season of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes PBS series, and she lent these to me (so she doesn't have to move them, I guess!). I will see about working my way through them in the weeks to come, in my "copious spare time".
Never did get to Borrone to read, but I didn't care.
And, CJ says the beard I've been growing looks good on me. (Beard? Have I mentioned that here? Maybe not. I've been growing one since Christmas. I last had one in 1995. I'm trying to keep this one better trimmed than I have in the past.)
It rained on my drove home, the first steady rain (as opposed to misting drizzle) we've gotten this winter. I guess the rainy season is starting late here this year. When I moved here last February we had solid rain nearly every night for a couple of weeks. And all the trees were flowering. I look forward to that time.