Testing the Leg Again
Last night was another evening of Ultimate, so I went to see how my leg would hold up. I took care to stretch out, warm up my legs, and take it easy until we started playing.
Well, one thing I noticed as I was doing all this is that I seem to use my left leg - the one I hurt last week - to push off when I start running. No doubt this is part of why I pulled the quad last week. During the second point I found that my quad is still smarting, although not nearly as much as last week. But enough that I didn't want to push it too hard, and it restricted some of my movement (for instance, I couldn't easily run and bend over to catch a pass at the same time). Bummer. Fortunately, we don't play again until after the holidays, so by then it should be fully healed, and hopefully I won't have gained five pounds in that time!
I had a pretty good game as far as covering people went, and I finally got my hands on the disc a few times. I also learned a few of the finer points of the game. Unfortunately, we were pretty well dominated by both teams we played. The second team was a very good team, but the first loss rankled a bit because we got off to a bad start and because there were a few bad sports on the other team. Almost everyone on our team seems to keep a pretty positive, laid-back attitude, although we do have a few people who get very competitive. But they had a couple of people who got really worked up.
Anyway, it was basically a fun time, though. I also went out during the afternoon and bought a long-sleeved t-shirt to wear under the team shirt which will help me keep warm as the nights get colder.
Oh, and I got to see Subrata's cubie when I went to pick him up to go play. He lives in quite a maze! But his cube is quite large. I don't know that I'd enjoy living in such a huge cube farm like that, though.

Today I was pleased to finally get past a really annoying hurdle on my current project at work. I'd been stuck on it for a couple of days, and finally had one of my co-workers look at it. He couldn't actually debug it, but he made a suggestion of another approach to try, which turned out to work fine. I'm not sure why it works (it has to do with how Java handles its CLASSPATH variable and how Java package libraries are built), but it does, which is good enough for me for now.

I haven't been writing here as much lately because I've been quite tired in the evenings, and/or coming home late. I've not been getting enough sleep and have been pretty wiped out when I wake up. I basically need to get to bed earlier, especially on weekends. I no longer seem to 'sleep in' when I don't have to get up, I wake up around 9:30 anyway, so I need to get to bed earlier in order to actually catch up on my sleep, and I haven't been doing that lately. Urgh.
Anyway, being tired like this makes me lazy so I'm inclined to spend time watching TV or reading rather than working on computer projects like this journal. Not that there's a whole lot to really report anyway.
(Well, okay, I could talk about going to coffee with some cow-orkers today, and noticing that that seems to be the time of day which nearly all of the most attractive women around Apple seem to also go to get coffee. Not that I actually know the first thing about any of these women, so even that isn't all that interesting.)