Cat Trip
I took the cats to the vet this morning for their annual checkup. I had my usual struggle to get Jefferson into his carrying case. Newton just walks right in, but Jefferson freaks out and tries to hide. (I did have the foresight to take out the cases and put them on the floor last night.) The trick is to push Jeff into the case backwards, holding his front legs so he can't struggle forwards. Unfortunately, it took me several tries to get it right, and in the meantime he ripped a hole in one of my favorite shirts. Dang!
The moral of this story, I guess, is to not wear one of my favorite shirts when struggling with a distressed cat, and to clip his nails first!
Jefferson also meowed pointedly on the whole drive over, and was the subject of a little discussion at the clinic. But other than that, the appointment went very well. The cats-only vet near me is quite nice, very professional, and has that extra cat-oriented touch that such vets seem to have over more general vets. (Maybe the photos of kitties everywhere just makes me feel more comfortable.) The doctor who examined them and gave them their shots was very nice, chatty, and informative. The cats didn't struggle much (they're pretty trusting), and he said that they're in excellent health.
He did tell me two things of note: First, we discussed the cats' teeth, as they've had problems in the past requiring expensive dental work. I told him I don't brush their teeth as often as I should, and he replied, "Yes, owner compliance is very low," and all but said that that's unfortunate, but that vets have to realize that. Basically he used a tone of voice that said, "Yes, you really should be brushing your teeth, but I realize the reality of the situation, and won't badger you about it."
(It occurred to me while there that if the toothpaste and brushes were out in plain sight I might brush them more often while watching TV. But if I just leave them on the table, the brushes would soon disappear beneath furniture, and Newton would rip open the toothpaste, eat it, and throw it up somewhere else in the apartment. But, maybe I could find a sturdy clear plastic container for the stuff. Worth a try, maybe!)
He second comment was that the Advantage flea product I bought from them a few weeks back has "revolutionized flea treatment" in the last few years. He said when they moved into their current building 15 years ago, the clinic was filled with flea powders, shampoos, bombs, and the like, and now they don't even bother to stock that stuff, since Advantage works so well. Which has certainly been my experience so far.
The cats were more sedate on the drive home, and went to their favorite curling-up spaces immediately, presumably to unwind. (Newton, intriguingly, has decided that his new favorite spot is a patch of rug in my study which used to be covered by my desk and a filing cabinet. It gets direct sun in the morning, but he snoozes there in the evening, too.)
So, that's the cat roundup for today.

Astonishingly, I've been invited to a party this weekend! A friend of mine up in "the City" (San Francisco) is having a "pre-Millennium party". I think I slipped through the initial invitation list, but since I don't have anything planned anyway, I certainly am going to go. Should be fun!

If you're a fan of Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics, be aware that The Sandman Companion has just been published in hardcover. Yes, I bought a copy, but I haven't thumbed through it enough to know if it was a worthwhile purchase.
Links du jour:
- National Public Radio archives the full audio of some of their shows on their Web site, notable for Weekend Edition. I discovered this because I was searching for the name of one of their recent profilees, Gideon Freudmann, who plays what he calls "CelloBop", and found the full interview with him. I may have to buy one of his albums.
- Are you dubious about the righteousness and/or practicality of the libertarian philosophy? Then check out Critiques of Libertarianism. I went through a brief libertarian phase back in college, but it mainly served to reinforce why I'm an ardent liberal. I was especially amused by the collection of USENET articles A Libertarian Tricked, especially since it perhaps says more about the twisted format of debate that occurs on the Internet than about libertarianism. (I'm an old USENET hand, by the way, having been one of the most prolific posters on the system circa 1989-1991.)
- Check out the November 10, 1999 edition of Master of the Obvious, Steven Grant's column on the Comic Book Resources web site. It's a good essay on the hows, whys, and drawbacks of the dance that the comic book and film industries do with each other.
- An excellent article on San Francisco Giants GM Brian Sabean.