Monday, 12 July 1999:

Many Entries Get Written

Yes, I finally picked up the Starcraft expansion Brood War today at CompUSA. I tried Fry's Electronics also, but they still didn't have it on their shelves which was very lame. I bet the price I paid was a little higher than I could have found elsewhere, but what's $5.00 between friends?

I also picked up a copy for CJ.

The heat wave continued today. Last night was quite warm; tolerable, but I didn't need my covers all night. Of course, maybe I did but I was just too exhausted to notice. I felt wiped out enough this morning that I punted on working out.

I have been pretty lax about my journal lately. Partly because I have been quite busy, although on the other hand I have it seems often not had much to write about during the week. I go to work, I play games, I go to friends' houses and play games, or go to Borrone and play Bridge, or come home and read or watch TV or something. Not generally stuff which is critical for people to read, I'll guess.

I called Jim over the weekend and he commented on my erratic entries. But he also agreed that I seemed to be getting a lot of gaming out of my system and didn't particularly have to write about it all.

Today I worked out a trade with Keith in our fantasy baseball league today, trading him several keepers for next year, and a draft pick, for several high-quality players, like, oh, that guy in St. Louis. Mark whatsisname. So, despite Jose Canseco going down with a back injury - which required surgery and has prompted him to talk about maybe retiring - I think I'm in a good position to make a run for the title, or something close to it. Woo-hoo!

I wonder what the reaction of the other owners will be? Keith wondered after the fact if perhaps he should have held out for more.

Speaking of baseball, tomorrow is the All-Star Game, which is being held in Fenway Park, home of my Red Sox. I'm having some people over to watch it with me, though so far only CJ has committed to coming. But it should be fun anyway, even if it is fundamentally strange to think of the All-Star Game ending before it gets dark out. Well, that's life on the left coast.

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