Saturday, 15 May 1999:
Much Gaming
Yesterday, over lunch and at the end of the day, I played a couple of games of Starcraft - with my boss, and some other cow-orkers. My boss, JP, turns out to be extremely good at the game, and he crushed us both times, although I put up a decent fight in the second game. It sure is a refreshing change when you can play computer games with your boss!
Then, last night I drove up to John's where we had five people for an evening of Bridge. I feel that I did pretty well, only committing a few mistakes here and there. Fun and instructive, as usual.
We went to get dinner around 10:30 pm, going to Max's, a restaurant-of-huge-portions around these parts (with similarly large and yummy desserts, which we were all too full for after the meal, especially since John had also baked cookies and made guacamole dip). Then we went back and continued playing Bridge until after 2 am.
So, of course, today I slept until after 11 am. Yow! I took care of some chores around the apartment in the early afternoon, and then went up to Subrata's for a social gaming day. We spent most of the day playing The Great Dalmuti, which so far is my major contribution to our gaming selection, though we also played Pictionary (which I don't believe I've ever played before), and some folks also played several Cheapass Games as well as Pass the Bomb, which I brought, and which was pronounced "good, but a little too stressful".
We gamed until after 7, and then drove up to Menlo Park to eat Chinese food, and poke around in Kepler's book store.
So, it's been a fun couple of days, but not the most exciting days as far as journal-writing goes.
Useless facts department: I've owned my car (or should that be, "my beloved car"?) for exactly nine years today, and it's on the cusp of hitting 110,000 miles. It was three years old when I bought it, and had about 46,500 miles on it. Not bad, really. As I think I've said before, I'd like to push it for another year or two before I buy a new one. Basically, I'd ideally like to buy a house before I buy a new car.

Michael Rawdon