Game Daze
Boy, where did the weekend go?
Well, a big part of it went into going over to my friend John's mother's house yesterday to watch the Packers game. (Yes, John from California.) John cooked brats, and I met John's mother and one of his brothers, and the fact that they're all related is stunningly obvious once you meet them, partly in the similar appearances of John and his brother, and partly in the similarly sarcastic senses of humor that all three of them have.
Of course, I was somewhat less pleased with the dog-fest that the event became, since John's mother owns four or five dogs, and John's brother and his wife brought their three dogs, so we have at least three rottweilers (big, big rottweilers) and two energetic german shepherds around. I can deal with a couple of dogs of golden retriever size (or smaller, if they don't yap), but big, slobbery dogs with tongues as long as my forearm are not for me. (Nor for John, either, I think' we're both cat people.)
But overall we had a pretty good time. I eventually left when I felt I'd seen enough football, and John seemed to feel more like sitting around like a lump than going out somewhere (say, for a walk in the warm November day). Which is fine by me; it's his vacation, after all.
So instead I came home and finished painting my Robo Rally miniatures, and watched another episode of Homicide as well as some Batman/Superman cartoons. And somehow the rest of the day went by surprisingly quickly.
Anyway, as an alternate I met John at home and we went to State St. for dinner, John deciding that gyros seemed like a more appetizing option than anything else. (My first choice, the Russian House restaurant, was closed, it being Monday, and most restaurants being annoyingly closed most Mondays. Of course, I'm strange in that I often go to restaurants during the week, but almost never on weekends. Some of this may be because I'm not dating anyone, however.)
Afterwards we did play Robo Rally, a "death match" variant where we didn't try to touch checkpoints, but rather played on a single board and just tried to kill each other. I won two out of three games, and was basically on the defensive the whole time in the game I lost. So I feel pretty happy with how I acquitted myself. John also seems to have been fairly impressed with my collection of jazz CDs, considering that I've only been buying them since I saw him in June.
It was a cool time. I had a lot of fun.
But now I must toddle off to bed, since I have to wake up early to take the cats in for their dental work tomorrow morning. I've cleared my schedule in the evening so I can spend the whole time after work tomorrow sitting at home with them as they get over their drugs and any pain they have. (Jefferson will probably have a tooth pulled.)
Thank goodness I've almost done all the projects I wanted to do this fall, since it is costing considerably more money than I expected. Fortunately, my car insurance premium seems to have been cut by a third, which helps. I'm not sure why it fell - I should call and ask - although the fact that I'm about to turn 30 and that my car is now over 10 years old may have something to do with it.
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