Sunday, 27 September 1998:
Impromptu Gaming
I slept in today, struggling out of bed after 11 am. Actually, I spent about an hour lying half-awake in bed and half-playing with Newton, who was climbing over me, curling up next to me, and generally having a good time with me being home and a stationary target.
I got a bunch of cleaning done today, and an awful lot of laundry. And every 20 minutes or so I'd open up my signed "Season of Mists" hardcover and realize that I'm still deleriously happy with Gaiman's autograph. This really isn't much like me, is it?
I watched part of the Cubs/Astros game today, which was going on simultaneously with the Giants/Rockies game. The Cubs and Giants started the day tied for the NL Wild Card, and both teams grabbed early leads in their games. Then both teams ended up losing their games and rather dramatic fashion, so there will be a one-game tiebreaker tomorrow at Wrigley Field. Should be exciting! The Giants have really worked to earn a playoff berth, with a very strong finish when they were all-but-eliminated. And the Cubs have blown several chances to seize destiny in September. But I think most people hope the surprising Cubs will win it.
The reward for the victor? They get the face the Braves and their best record in the National League in the first round of the playoffs.
Oh, yeah, and Mark McGwire hit four home runs in the last two days of the season to finish with an even 70. Sammy Sosa could conceivably tie him tomorrow, if he hits four home runs in one game, but it's not too likely.
This afternoon, my friend Doran and his S.O. Fran came over to game. We played a game of Settlers of Catan, in which I eked out a win just ahead of Fran. (I may be getting a little too good at this game; it's been a while since I've lost.) We also played part of a game of Nippon Rails, but Fran didn't seem to be up for it, learning the game and figuring out where all the cities were, so we packed it in early. It was a fun day, though. I've also persuaded them to come to the SF book discussion next month. Fran seems really excited by the prospect. Surprisingly, despite growing up here, they were unaware of WisCon.
Well, it's late, so I'm gonna hit the sack. Later!

Michael Rawdon