Monday, 27 April 1998:
Day Two
Don't you hate it when a 10-minute programming project turns into an hour-plus search to figure out why your frikking DLL can't be rebuilt because it's "in use" by some mysterious program you can't identify? Aargh, Windows sucks.
I did some more writing tonight. That's good. Let's see if I can keep it up. At the very least I need to finish this story I'm working on, because it's been stuck in my head for years and it's like a broken record; it just never goes away. I'll be much happier, I think, once it's been written and duly rejected by whoever I'm brave enough to send it to.
Getting started each day seems to be the hardest part. Once I've written a couple of paragraphs, things go... if not more smoothly, at least with a little less mental anguish. Nonetheless, I find I'm ready to stop after 30-60 minutes, but this may be because of outside "I wanna do this other thing tonight" pressures. A short attention span more than anything else, I guess.
Afterwards I caught up on some more New Yorkers, read a little more in Einstein's Bridge, and rented The Secret of Roan Inish, which I'll watch tomorrow night. Other than that, it was a pretty mellow day. I had a fitful night's sleep last night, so I hope to sleep more soundly tonight. Hopefully with fewer cat-oriented interruptions.

Michael Rawdon