Last updated: 18 January 2004 (and you can always look in the journal for nearly-daily updates)
This is me with one of my cats, Newton, taken in November 1999.
I'm just this guy, y'know...?
I started keeping an on-line journal in early August, 1997. It's a good way to learn about what I've been up to more recently (as opposed to my more general biography, above). I update this several times a week, so there's almost always new content here.
Although I live in California, I'm still a fan of the team where I grew up, the Boston Red Sox. I also spend the summer playing rotisserie league baseball.
I enjoy reading science fiction, and I write reviews of much of what I read for the Amateur Publishing Associations I'm part of. I'm also into fandom and attend several regional conventions. I watch a little science fiction on TV and used to be a huge fan of Star Trek (although I'm not anymore).
I've also been a collector of comics for most of my life, and also have many assorted comics from my collection for sale.
I mostly read science fiction, but I also read some non-fiction and humor. I irregularly write reviews of books I read and post them here.
I play many kinds of games: Traditional board games, modern strategy games, collectible card games, computer games, and so forth. There are a lot of great games out there of many different types!
I have a particular weakness for this stuff.
I mostly listen to rock and folk music.
I find politics, history, and social and journalism issues fascinating, and I'm personally a left-leaning liberal type.
A lot of my friends have Web pages or other presences on the Internet. Maybe you know some of 'em...
And like everyone else on the Web I have a page of some of my favorite links, which I use as a permanent "hotlist", but you might find some of them interesting too.
It's the content
The rest of it is window-dressing. You can make your pages look absolutely fabulous but if they don't say anything, nobody's going to care. Don't give the world another glorified multimedia dot-finger file. Give the world your art, your music, your poetry, your political rants, your short stories, your first grade photos, your shareware and freeware, your archives of hobby stuff, your hints about how to make great tie-dye, your really handy Perl script, your list of the ten best bookstores in the Greater Podunk area. You know something that nobody else knows. You can do something that nobody else can do quite the same way. You've made something that the rest of the world has never seen.
Share it. Put it in your web page.
- From C.J. Silverio's Rant on Why the Web Sucks

hits since 1 July 1996.